My story shows that birth trauma may have an impact on women. On Tuesday, 16 September 1986, two weeks after its due date, my son Jeffrey was born by Caesarean section, weighing 9 kg. 13 ounces, I had pre-natal care at 22 weeks with a doctor who has started recommended by a friend. The doctor stated that he supports my birth plan for a natural birth with minimal intervention. My doctor had privileges in two hospitals. During the third trimester, my partner and ITours both. I chose the hospital's standard procedures were less invasive, no enemas or IVs, and encourages them to walk through work.
Shortly after midnight on 16 September broke my water. I had no contractions at this point, but as my doctor. He said that he had a patient in preterm labor before 26 weeks, which required his attention, and that I would need to come to another hospital instead. After a quick shower we went there, where my partner is treated with the paperworkI learned during their standard procedures, including an inlet, and the insertion of an IV needle.
At that time I was having strong, regular contractions. I was then led into a room and made labor on fetal monitoring and was unable to walk on. Despite these measures, I managed the pain and, of course, worked for nine hours. My doctor checked my progress several times, but was primarily focused on his other patients. I am making good progress, and of 7.00, I was 9cm.
At 9.15 clock ifmy doctor checked again, I was 9 cm and the child does not come down. He said that he let me longer labor market could, but it would make no difference, the baby was too big. After nine hours of intensive labor, a partner who had spent more time in the cafeteria or in their sleep flat on his back and stared at the walls, then, that I lost it and started to cry. Within 15 minutes I was in the theater and they were the administration of the spine. At this point I was so exhausted that I did not evenmore the pain of labor, I fell asleep.
I remember very little until this afternoon. My vague memories include first and Jeffrey's crying and my ex brought me a picture of him in the recovery room. Myconium because he had swallowed, he had observed in the nursery and I did not care about him or try to hold until the evening. I have been unable, because houses in the Caesarean section, and in spite of the signs in his bassinet, that the nurses he was being instructedbreastfed on demand, he got the formula and not brought to me for hours at a time.
At that time I was very disappointed that I had a caesarean and I felt like I had somehow failed as a woman. I was also intensely angry at my doctor. I felt that in spite of a good relationship during my pregnancy, he had abandoned me when I needed him most. I was particularly incensed at the tone he used with me when suggesting that a caesarean was necessary. I felt that the tone of voice he used whentold me that he could me more work, but there would be no use was bullying. I remember comparing myself later on that experience, emotional rape.
Was because my son was in the nursery most of the time and my partner at work, I was left alone in my hospital room for most of today. I often Rief during my five days of hospitalization. I was also angry that the nurses more time with my new baby than I am. I have known him for only a part of the day. I have never been to keep him with meNight. Our experience breastfeeding had a difficult start because he was given bottles of formula against my will. It was as if the nurses felt they knew better for my baby than I am. I undermined my confidence as a new mother.
Even after we left the hospital, we sat having difficulties. I had a mild infection in my incision. My son had a bacterial infection that causes blisters. It began on the scalp, where they are inserted, the monitor, but soon the area covered by hisfat little arms. He also developed a severe case of thrush made that breastfeeding a complete nightmare. It was cured for more than two months before my sore nipples. I remember well advised to sit on the couch with my son to breastfeed and crying in pain.
Finally, I moved on emotionally, or so I thought. I realized the truth, if more than eighteen months later I found out I was pregnant again. All my old fears and feelings resurfaced. I sat and cried for hours, notThere was unplanned pregnancy or the additional burden that another child would have on our finances and troubled relationship site, but because I would have to endure another Caesarean. I began to look for alternatives and finally found a midwife who would prefer a home birth considered. Our first prenatal visit took almost three hours and was more about the debriefing from the trauma of my first birth as my physical condition.
But even the successful VBAC Home birth of my 7 lb. 14 oz. Daughterdid not lessen my anger at what I thought was an unnecessary intervention. In fact, caused a casual remark by my midwife that my pelvis was more than sufficient to intensify my anger. In a classic post-traumatic shock disorder experience, the comment again ignited all the feelings that I experienced directly after the operation. I have tried my anger in a constructive way channel. I became a champion of natural childbirth, with a rate reaching midwives. I have tried to find a lawyer to sue my doctor,But the statute of limitations had expired.
For five years after my cesarean, I often wondered about the what-if's. What happens if I deliver my plan, at the other hospital with its less expensive method hiding? What if I had walked or worked up? What happens if I do not constantly be monitored? Every time I in these what if's, I would be caught up angry or depressed. Few people have the true in hindsight, but I had the opportunity to become a blessing for allto regulate all if this, she is.
Those questions were answered once and for all with my second birth at home. This son was much bigger than my daughter with a weight of 8 kg. 15 oz, but still smaller than his older brother. I had a very short and intense work of less than two hours. I had what many would take a perfect natural birth. I keep working and went to work early on by. I pushed comfortable in the situation. I had a wonderful support person in my midwife and herAssistant. I was comfortable in my apartment, but my son was found in the birth canal. My experienced midwife said that his shoulder dystocia is one of the worst that it has been dealt with in their decades of practice. She felt that the prayer was the only thing that saved my son. After birth, his breathing was depressed and his was just one minutes Apgar 4th All the "what-if's, which had disappeared following me in five years. It's sad to say, but it was that experience that allowed me to release the angerat my doctor, I had the union for nearly five years.
It was this experience made me realize that for the first time that cephlo-pelvic disproportion was not up condition used by doctors to their patients to unnecessary Caesarean sections done printing. I assume that the continuous ridge on the top of the head Jeffrey's, where he had wedged against my pelvis, this statement indicated earlier, it should but it is often easier to blame others, take as our own responsibility. I began toagree that my cesarean result overeating during pregnancy, the result was a baby too big for my pelvis.
My emotional healing, was more than a decade later completed with the birth of my youngest son. I had a midwife assisted birth planned in the hospital. I was confident that I would have no difficulty with other VBAC. I stayed at home during early labor and went to the hospital only once work was well established, the contractions are close together and so intense that I wasDifficulties in managing them. I was sure of in my earlier work that the baby's birth was imminent, but when I checked cm was only extended 2nd
The baby was posterior back and my hard work was not actually my cervix dilation. I have tried to maintain employment in the shower. I tried to walk. I tried to lay on my side. Nothing worked. The pain was stronger than all my previous work. I knew that if I choose a PDA I would make my chances on the significantanother c-section, but the pain was so intense that I understand the decision that it was already made. After several hours and several interventions, yes, I still have a caesarean section. This time, though not as anger and resentment, I had my choice. I was confident that I have done what I could for myself and my baby.
The other part that was the cure for me is that in the fifteen years since my first c-section had changed so much that many of the things that I hated most about the experiencejust did not apply. When my son was born, she brought me before you touch him in the warm bed. My partner, his mother and Jeffrey were able to touch and talk to the baby while the doctors sewed me. Then I was put to rest and be reunited with my son, less than an hour after his birth. The nurses helped me to nurse him immediately. Best of all, encourages the hospital accommodations for all babies. My partner stayed with us during the night and the only time my babywas separated from us was for about 15 minutes per day for weighing.
It was as if I had come full circle. Despite the fact that the procedures were the same, I was a different person. I had matured. I had learned my rights and obligations. When I was confronted with an unfamiliar situation, I knew the benefits and risks of all my decisions and I just accept the consequences of those decisions. I was empowered under the same procedures that were once left me emotionally scared that Isuffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. Some of it was because I had changed and some of it was the result of changes in the medical system.
As a mother who has undergone three caesarean births, I am frustrated at times very happy with the natural childbirth movement. Yes, the natural birth of my daughter and, despite its difficulties, my second son was wonderful. It healed in a way, my inner woman after the first traumatic Caesarean section, but none of them were perfect.I wrote and carefully discussed elaborate plans birth with my midwife and no birth was followed by the plans.
Births almost never follow plans. I have five years angry and depressed for absolutely no reason. Like many other women have this pain, a lot deeper than a cesarean scar caused experienced? I have often wondered what would have happened if that shoulder dystocia had not occurred. Would I have continued to be angry at my doctor and depressed? Would my PTSD everis completely healed? Of course I will never know the answers to these questions. And I feel very grateful for the tens of thousands of women who have never been the clear answers that the fate offered me.
But my experience has led me to begin classes and doula services, childbirth preparation classes, which is specifically selected for these particular women and children, for the caesarean. I believe that with compassionate support and breastfeeding rates among these families are able to provide dramatically increased and moreimportantly, we can help them heal faster, both physically and emotionally. This is my unique vision and mission, my long journey from the birth trauma.