The news announcement about a "pregnancy pact" of seventeen young people in Massachusetts, has expressed concern for the media and parents alike causes. The reports include stories of the girls, some who have less than sixteen years old, who repeatedly shown, pregnancy testing and disappointment if it does not get the results they were missing. Apparently the group had, to all children at the same time, so that they could give them jointly.
Television interviews focusedon the identification of targets to "blame" for this situation. Some of the professionals who were interviewed that children, if they want to have children to love someone. Jane Fonda responded by saying "If you want to be loved, get a puppy."
Some experts lay the blame on the school system for the removal of sex education programs by budget constraints. Others suspect that the parents are too busy with work and economic pressures that are there for young people. One expert explained thatprovides free day care for students, they can consider whether you baby, because that would make it "easy" for them.
Recently I heard a young mother, explaining that a baby should require as much or more thought than you would give to conjure up with a tattoo on your face. This made me wonder how much thought or consciousness of young people in the pregnancy pact had been their plan.
Over the years I have hundreds of parents ask for advice, so that they "protect"their children do what they described as poor decisions in life. Unfortunately, there is no "formula" for the children and the fact that people are unique bother to create that will be effective in all cases. However, there are some hints that I wish all parents adopted.
1. Their example is one of the most powerful tools you have. Statement: "Do not do what I do is, but as I say not as effective as a good role modeling. If you value your body, respect and takeCare to your children valuable lessons to be spoken without words to learn.
2. Its mission is to "parents" - not the friend of the child. Young people have often told me that they are with a parent, the rules and curfews to enforce it appreciate it. It helps them to be able to say "no" to colleagues when they leave rules, or to situations where the parents provide the transportation need.
3. Children and adolescents need to learn about sex - not only the "mechanical" detailsbut also the health, financial and relational aspects. There are many books and videos available to help this, if you feel too uncomfortable to start a conversation about sex. Over the years I've had many parents had asked me to their children the "facts of life" if they did not feel off to tell to do so.
4. Talk about sex from a personal level. Most young people are surprised to adults that sex is enjoyable. Do it like a "sin" or "load" sound, in the hope that this. disheartened (It is only then you look like a liar at a given time).
5. Schools need resources to provide sexual education programs for our children. At a time when we would offer them in the high school level, but now realize that this is too late, as well as in primary school children are sexually active.
6. Let your children to be children. Twelve-year-olds, as sixteen to eighteen year olds are at risk gown. They buy the clothes from the time they are born andTherefore have more power than you think in this area. It's okay, "No," you say to your child, and it is ok for the child to be angry with you for a few hours, because you said "no."
7. Monitor activities. It is not "okay" to allow children to watch, x-rated movies or chatting with strangers on the Internet. Children who start too much time alone, for excitement, which often "difficult" to have. It is better to be proactive than reactive, and filled with regret.
8. Respect forthe law. It is not possible "okay" for children or among adolescents, the age to drink alcohol, take drugs or vehicles - even if you are with them at the time. Statement: "They will do it anyway" is not only the task of your responsibility, but also your reputation in danger. Remember, you may be calculated and reported also for the supply of alcohol to minors, the Child Protection Services when you put your children in an unhealthy or unsafe environment.
9. Get to know the friends of your children.Invite them to dinner. Treat them like businesses. Get to know them. (One of them is the parent company) of your grandchildren.
10. Tell your children that you love them, are proud of them and expect them to do well. They tend to listen to people's expectations and never too tired, they are loved.
When my daughter was in a high school Career and Life Management course, she was voted as a "partner" with another student. They were given an egg that was hatched whenher "child". The rules were that the chickens were never left alone and must be cared for as if they were the boy and his parents. What an experience!
Kristal used a hamster cage as a bassinet, and tried to set a timetable, where she and her partner share custody of the chicken. He was not very willing to take a turn. Some teachers would not let the chickens in their classroom and the students had set up a day care program.
Over the weeks andthe chickens grew, we saw the students move from a position of "Are not they sweet?" to "What should we do with these things if we want to go on weekends?" Siblings were often hired as babysitters and family members complained about the "scratch", which occurred in the middle of the night when the chickens did what chickens.
Chicken Katie "an interesting awareness program for the students. Her tears were mixed with relief when it was time to butcherthe chickens, but taken over memories of this responsibility through the decades.
Sometimes, young people appear in court or other public venues with baby dolls that cry at random and will be programmed to wet himself. Your task is to young to experience that again requires the need for some care. It is a part of the education and prevention.
Well, there's no formula for education, and definitely not a perfect way to prevent your child from a parent beforethey are ready. The problems are complex. As parents, we need to make sure we do our best, but also recognize that our children have free will and therefore often things we can not control.
Oh, and by the way, if your child has to have a baby, it is important that you recognize that it is not up to you to raise the child. With choices come responsibilities.
If you believe that you need help in this area, may be of assistance by a psychologist who has soughtTraining and experience in working with parents and families.