The Truth About Breastfeeding and Alcohol

The truth about breastfeeding and alcohol is that they can mix. You can enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner, without the welfare or safety of your baby.

According to La Leche League, an adequate supply of alcohol should not at all discouraged, because very little alcohol comes in the milk. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying wine, beer or mixed drink. In fact, as a rule - if you're sober enough to drive, you aresober enough to breastfeed.

They suggest that a mother who is a moderate amount of alcoholic beverages breast-sober when they feel, because less than 2% from a mother drinking alcohol actually reached its milk.

But there are a few things you should consider, to be sure:

** Some doctors caution drink more than 1-2 drinks per week. It was also associated with a decline in gross motor development for some children.

**Consider a baby and medical stability in the decision for alcohol and nursing homes. A newborn's immature bodies, so that even small amounts of alcohol can be a little disturbing.

** Never cosleep with a baby, after you have been drinking.

** If alcohol is consumed in large quantities, your baby can have some side effects such as drowsiness, deep sleep, weakness, and abnormal weight gain.

Basically, if a parent uses reason and moderation, there is no reason why a nursing homeMother can not enjoy a drink or two now and again.

