SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - The sudden unexplained death of a healthy child aged between 1 month and 1 year. Approximately 2,500 children die every year from SIDS in the United States alone. , Buy why? Although extensive research has taken place, found no definitive cause was found. SIDS strikes without warning, and used only as a diagnosis when all other medical conditions are excluded. SIDS usually occurs between the ages of 2-4 months and most often duringDuring the cold weather. There is no risk, a factor that is bigger, but there are many steps that can be taken by the parents in order to greatly reduce your children.

Prevention of SIDS can already begin when the mother is pregnant. Things to avoid include:

Smoking and alcohol consumption

Drug use during pregnancy

The lack of prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid

Prematurity or low birth weight

Are getting pregnant, younger than 20

Othercommon risk factors for having those who know very well connected to the public are with the baby sleep habits and environment. Even if we are babies warm and tight and warm, parents must take the following precautions to prevent SIDS:

Stomach sleeping: Although very popular, babies who sleep on their stomachs to put a higher incidence of SIDS had. The researchers have hypothesized that stomach sleeping under pressure jaw of a baby, and narrows the airways,hindered breathing.

Always make sure that your baby sleeps on a firm mattress to prevent re-breathing of stale air, the increase in carbon dioxide levels in their systems.

Do not smoke near your baby. Infants are exposed to smoke during pregnancy and after birth also have a 3 times greater risk for SIDS.

Make sure your child gets regular scheduled medical check-ups by a pediatrician.

Breastfeeding, if possible. The reason for this is unknown, but breast-fed babies have a lower incidence ofSIDS.

Enter a baby pacifier during the first year. This was also connected to a lower risk of SIDS, reason is unknown.

Never sleep in the same bed with your baby. After breast-feeding or cuddling, you return your baby to a nearby crib or stroller. A separate bedroom is the safest place for your newborn.

Thorough research continues to find on a daily basis to the true cause of sudden infant death syndrome. Until medical experts get a solid performance to take theon precautionary measures to reduce the risk of your child and keep up to date on the latest developments by visiting the American SIDS Institute Web site.

