Masculine Baby Names

Masculine is that the male sexual concerns, boy or man. Male names are usually given to new born boy. The masculine terms to describe the properties and behavior of people. The names on documents enable us to understand the unique baby names in the Middle Ages.
The words on the languages carry a race. For example, the tree arbol in Spanish. He wears a male. All the adjectives and verbs that refer to male and arbol. The baby names are completelyContrary. Female baby names refer only to small boys, while referring to female baby names for baby girls. For example, Aaron is definitely a male baby name. And Abigail is definitely a female baby name. However, some baby names are unisex. He works for women and men.
In 1228 the alliance agreement in Pisa, Italy was signed. The Siena and Poggibonsi Pistoria an alliance. Interestingly, the names are all male. Ending inus, transport units, and uccius Ellus whichNames were in Latin. The top male names are Bounacorsus, Guido, Ugolinus Gherardus, James, John, Ranerius, Arrigus and Ildibrandus.
There are only two lists of the fifteenth century, male names that were recorded in Venice, Italy. The lists are the masters of the trade and galley kitchens Captains of Trade Barberia. Most names are of the highest noble family of Venice. The captain's name contains the first name and last name. The five names that are popularNicolo, Piero, Francesco, Alexandro, and Antonio. Of course, the names of all Italian baby names.
In the sixteenth century, came the book in Spain. The book is entitled, the catalog of travelers in the New World. The book records the names of people who traveled from Spain to see the outside world. The names consist of one or two first names and nicknames. He says, where the origin of the baby names. Basically, the name informs the mother's name or location. By the order of their popularity, thetop male name Juan Francisco, Pedro, Diego Alonso, Hernando, Cristobal, Antonio, Andres, and Gonzalo.
Irish Baby Names Irish also recorded, as far as 600 BC. From 1601-1616, the top male name Artur, Conchobar, Fitheal, Niall, Padraigin, Roibeard, Seamus, Sean, Searlas, Tadhg and Uaitear.

