Easy To Make Diaper Cakes

Are you planning a baby shower? Diaper Cakes can be a creative center for your table, and a practical gift for the expectant mother. A diaper cake is made of dozens of diapers and decorated with small baby items such as combs, pacifiers, teething rings, booties and toys. The entire cake can later be taken and used some of the products for the new baby.

Diaper Cake Ingredients:

- 16 "disposable cardboard plates

- Babybottle or empty cardboard towel roll

- 8 feet of 1” wide ribbon

- Rubber bands of different sizes

- Clear adhesive tape

- Approximately 50 newborn diapers

- Decorative baby items (bibs, socks, toys)

- Cake Topper (candy filled baby bottle or stuffed animal)


The number of diapers you will require depends on the size and number of tiers you would like your cake to have. On average 50 newborn Diapers to create a standard large 3-layered cake.

- 20 diapers for the bottom layer

- 10 to 15 diapers for the middle layer

- 5 diapers for the top layer

Your diaper cake assembly:

- Use a cardboard paper towel roll or a baby bottle to roll the diapers

- When rolling your diapers, they have hidden opened lengthwise with tabs in

- Get your diapers with a rubber band as needed

- Folds andwrap a receiving blanket around each animal with a piece of tape to hold in position

- Use a tape to cover and hide the rubber band and a decorative touch.

- Imagine your levels on your cake plate with tape

- Pull your baby items in the ribbons as decoration

- Top-cake with something fitting the theme of your party. Whether it is a small stuffed toy, a baby bottle or rattle

Other DecorativeIdeas:

- Blankets baby bibs cloth over the preservation

- Use only baby-related items to your topic

- If you have a baby bottle as a show piece, fill them with candy and small baby items.

Add a professional touch by clear cellophane. Spread a sheet out of and in the middle of the cake in the middle. Gather the sides and edges and with a beautiful ribbon or fly

A diaper cake is a fun gift to give. Be creative and happyBaking!

